Centrando la historia de la mujer en el deporte, podemos rescatar informes que refieren datos concretos en los que la participación femenina en la actividad física sigue siendo en la actualidad menor que la de los hombres y, no es un hecho aislado ya que la participación de la mujer es menor en los ámbitos que tradicionalmente se consideran públicos: el mundo laboral, cultural, político y deportivo ya sea en la esfera directiva, el elenco de su práctica así como el trabajo de entrenadores y el de otros profesionales.
Durante siglos la mujer tiene que “luchar” contra nociones ideológicas carentes de rigor científico, por ejemplo se dijo: “la mujer es inferior a los hombres en capacidad física”, “su cuerpo se masculiniza con la práctica de ejercicio” y se la recluye para “algunos deportes sí apropiados para ellas”.
La tiranía no arranca del silencio sino de la imposición ideológica sobre qué hablar, cómo pensar y cuando debe ser el ocio. Rescatando al poeta Miguel Oscar Menassa: “La mujer fue desplazada desde la quietud de la envidia, a la diferencia radical de su goce que hace de ella, hoy día, única posibilidad de subversión de los actuales modelos ideológicos”. (Continuará)
We learn to play in her arms and we never stop embracing the game. In this chapter some brushstrokes are offered in the research on sports projects in which women can be protagonists of the movements that originate social transformations. In the world population there has been a strong growth in the last two centuries, from almost one billion inhabitants in the year 1800 to more than six billion in the year 2000. Much has changed the technology, however, in the articulation of some concepts such as: "woman and sport" is repeated and insists the same ideological discrimination that is transmitted unconsciously in "woman and science", "woman and work", "woman and family", "woman and writing" ...
Focusing the history of women in sports, we can rescue reports that refer to concrete data in which female participation in physical activity is still lower than that of men and, it is not an isolated event since the participation of women are minors in areas that are traditionally considered public: the labor, cultural, political and sporting world, whether in the managerial sphere, the cast of their practice, or the work of coaches and other professionals.
For centuries women have to "fight" against ideological notions lacking in scientific rigor, for example it was said: "women are inferior to men in physical capacity", "their body is masculinized with the practice of exercise" and is secluded for "some sports which are appropriate for them".
Tyranny does not start from silence but from the ideological imposition of what to talk about, how to think and when leisure should be. Rescuing the poet Miguel Oscar Menassa: "woman was displaced from the stillness of envy, to the radical difference of her enjoyment that makes her, now days, the only possibility of subversion of the current ideological models". (To be continued)